Over the course of the past few days, discussing with my classmates, and mulling over several idea's, I've switched my project to a thriller/horror. I know I seemed somewhat set on comedy in my last entry, but it seems like to big of a gamble for my final huge project in this class. Thriller is easier to pull of. The acting and dialogue don't have to be as a great, it relies more on editing and camerawork than anything else. I already some scene's in mind, and I will probably be posting the script in a future post along with possibly some test footage.
I think I want more of a mystery with some horror elements in the opening so these are some films that I think I may take elements from:
IMDb. IMDb.com. Web. 13 Mar. 2016.

Sharer, Wesley. "Gone Girl: What’s Lost in Translation and Does It Matter?"
Literary Traveler. 29 Jan. 2015. Web. 13 Mar. 2016.
HI!! Ok your blog is super engaging and your personal voice really shines through each post. It's evident that you are saying exactly what's on your mind which allows readers to feel like they are on this journey with you. A critique I have, however, is to be a bit more detail-oriented. You do provide numerous sources, however, a few of them seem to be unnecessary. Providing a short explanation as to how these sources are relevant may help make your research appear more thorough and effective. Also, I love the basis of your idea, but I am not really sure as to what the full concept is. I would suggest writing a post that entails a detailed description of your vision in order to allow us to feel amplified involvement with your production. Overall, I love your blog and look forward to seeing the final product!!!! sidenote: your comment on my blog made me laugh bc of your excessive use of "yo" hahaha :)